161.01 Timely Notice (FSM)

SR 23-18 Dated 4/23

Previous Policy


Inform each individual of the need for a recertification to review eligibility before benefits can be continued.

Notify individuals based on their household circumstances, that they are required to participate in a regularly scheduled recertification via mail-in, face-to-face/phone or online.


Face-to-Face/Phone Recertification

A recertification interview letter is sent to individuals who are required to participate in a face-to-face/phone recertification and is generated by the 15th of the month prior to the month the recertification is due.

The letter advises the individual of the following:

• the date and time of the eligibility interview;

• the individual must call to reschedule the interview if unable to attend the appointment and the individual wishes to continue receiving benefits; and

• the date that the certification period ends.

The letter to the individual includes:

• BFA Form 775, Rental Verification Request; and

• BFA Form 756, Employment Verification Request.


For a face-to-face/phone recertification the individual must complete BFA Form 800R, Application for Continued Eligibility for Financial, Medical, Child Care, and SNAP Benefits, or indicate any changes on the Eligibility Interview Summary (EIS) and sign BFA Form 811S, Statements of Understanding; and participate in a face-to-face/phone interview.


Online or Mail-In Recertification

Financial and/or medical assistance cases with related SNAP that meet criteria in the Adult Assistance Manual PART 155, REDETERMINATION or the Family Assistance Manual PART 161, REDETERMINATION, may participate in an online or mail-in recertification process.


Mail-In Recertification

A mail-in recertification package is sent to cases that are eligible for this type of recertification by the 15th of the month prior to the month the recertification is due.

The package includes:

• A Mail-In Recertification Letter;

• BFA Form 800R, Application for Continued Eligibility for Financial, Medical, Child Care, and SNAP Benefits;

• BFA Form 811R, Application: Your Rights and Responsibilities; and

• a postage paid business reply envelope.

The letter advises the individual:

• of verifications needed to process the case;

• of the date that the household's benefits will terminate if the household provides BFA Form 800R and needed verifications after the 15th of the following month; and

• to contact the District Office if they have any questions.


Online Recertification

Recipients with NH EASY accounts who are scheduled for what would usually be considered a mail-in recertification are eligible to complete their recertification online.

If the NH EASY account holder’s recertification method is "online," the online recertification letter is generated by the 15th of the month prior to the month the recertification is due.

The letter advises the individual:

• that the household must complete the online Recertification Application and send in all needed verifications by the 15th day of the following month;

• of the date that the household's benefits will terminate if the household does not complete the online recertification process and/or provide all needed verifications by the due date;

• that the household may opt out of the online recertification process and return to a mail-in recertification process; and

• that the household should contact the District Office if they have any questions.

The letter to the individual will also include:

• a postage-paid business reply Central Scanning Unit (CSU) envelope for the recipient to provide their verifications.

Households eligible to participate in the online or mail-in recertification process are not required to participate in a face-to-face/phone interview. However, an interview must be granted if one is requested by the household or by the authorized representative.


 When verification is not sufficient or not provided in the online or mail-in redetermination process, send New HEIGHTS-generated AE0055, Proof Needed to Determine Your Assistance. If New HEIGHTS is unavailable, use paper backup BFA Form 808, Proof Needed to Determine Your Assistance.


References: He-W 766.01-.02; RSA 161:4-a,IV; 7 CFR 273.2; 7 CFR 273.14