227.05 Treatment of Striker Income (FSM)

SR 94-04 Dated 04/94

Previous Policy


Use the income of all household members (including the striker) as of the day before the strike, and assuming the strike did not occur. If the household is ineligible, deny the household.

If the household would have been eligible before the strike, compute current eligibility as follows:

1.  Compare the strikers income on the day before the strike with the strikers current income (including union benefits and part-time jobs). Count the higher of the two incomes.

2.  Add the strikers higher income to the current income of other household members.

If the household is not currently eligible, deny or terminate the household.

If the household is eligible based on current income and income before the strike, determine whether the household meets all other eligibility criteria both currently and before the strike. If the household is still eligible, higher income figure must also be used to determine the household’s benefits.


References: He-W 746.02(e), RSA 161:4-a,IV, 7 CFR 273.1(e), 7 USC 2015(d)(3)