249.13 Terminating Extended Food Stamps (EFS) (FSM)

SR 24-13 Dated 04/24

Previous Policy


EFS will automatically end for the entire household under the following circumstances:

       the household opens for FANF financial assistance;

       the household reapplies for regular SNAP benefits, see FSM 249.11, Changes During the Extended Food Stamp (EFS) Period; or

       The household did not complete their recertification or reapply for regular SNAP benefits by the end of EFS period.



EFS will end for an individual, not the entire household, if that individual becomes ineligible for SNAP benefits for any of the reasons listed in FSM 211.03Disqualified Individuals.  


References: He-W 756.06; RSA 161:4-a,IV; 7 CFR 273.30; 7 CFR 273.31; 7 CFR 273.32; 7 USC 2020(s)(6)(A)