121.03 Applicant Delay SR 98-51, 12/98 (FSM-A)

Deny the application by the 30th day if the individual fails to complete the application process. The individual is not entitled to benefits for the month of application. No advance notice period is required.

If the individual fails or refuses to provide required verification within 10 calendar days of the Division of Family Assistances request, and the worker has helped the individual when required, deny the application on the tenth day.

• If the individual complies after the denial, but before the 30th day, reactivate the application and provide benefits back to the original Filing Date of the Request for Assistance.

• If the individual complies between the 30th and 60th day, determine eligibility based on information in the original application and changes reported by the individual. They are not entitled to benefits for the month of application. Prorate benefits from the date they comply and enter a new Filing Date on the application.

• If the individual does not comply by the 60th day, deny the application and require them to file a new application. The individual is not entitled to any lost benefits, even if the delay in the initial 30 days was caused by the Division.