239.03 Required Verification SR 96-44, 08/96 (FSM-A)

Require verification of student requirements only when questionable.

Enrollment - accept any of the following:

- verbal or written contact with the institution of higher education which indicates the student is enrolled at least half-time,

- verbal or written contact with the institution of higher education which indicates whether the student graduated, dropped out, is expelled, or is suspended, or

- a statement from the student of their intent to register for the next school term.

Physical or mental disability - if the disability is not observable, accept either of the following:

- a signed statement, letter of award, or copy of a check from an agency or insurance company making disability benefits, or

- a signed statement from a physician or licensed or certified psychologist which substantiates the individual's claim.

Work-study - verbal or written contact with the institution of higher education which indicates the student is participating in a federal or state financed work-study program.

Employed for pay - verbal or written contact with the employer which indicates the student is employed for pay, works for in-kind compensation (such as rent), or works to offset assistance (such as workfare) at least 20 hours a week.

Self-employment - the student's self-employment records or a statement which indicates the student is self-employed at least 20 hours a week and is earning at least 20 times the federal minimum wage a week.

Lack of adequate child care - a signed statement from the student which indicates that adequate child care is not available for a child at least 6 years old but not yet 12 years old, which would enable the student to attend class and to comply with work requirements.

Enrollment through NHEP or JTPA - verbal or written contact with the institution of higher education or with a representative from the NHEP or the JTPA program which indicates the student enrolled through NHEP or JTPA.

Participation in an on the job training (OJT) program - verbal or written contact with the employer or a representative from the OJT program which indicates the student is an OJT participant.