311.01 Legal Liability of Counties (MAM)

SR 13-36 Dated 11/13

Previous Policy


Counties are required by state law to pay a proportionate share of

. medical assistance for OAA and APTD recipients under the Home and Community-Based Care Waiver, Choices for Independence (HCBC-CFI) program; and

. medical assistance for OAA and APTD recipients receiving nursing facility (NF) assistance.

There is no county liability associated with medical assistance received under the Aid to the Needy Blind (ANB) program.

Use the following table to determine the liable county:


The legally liable county is...

if the individual resides in...

the county the individual last resided in before entering any of these facilities

. an institution;

. nursing facility;

. residential care facility;

. community residence;

. enhanced family care facility;

. any similar facility such as a shared home, rest home;

. a retirement community; or

. a multiple unit rental dwelling that is partially or fully subsidized by HUD or the USDA Farmer's Home Administration.

The legally liable county is...

if the individual resides in...

the county the individual is currently living in

. a non-nursing type facility; or

. a home, apartment, efficiency unit, or other dwelling that is not an institution or other facility described above.

References: RSA 167:18-a