Caregiver Videos

Videos of caregivers providing statements and testimony about their caregiving journey and the benefits of the caregiver program.

Over a period of a year, caregivers were interviewed about their caregiving journey and the benefits of the caregiver program.  They all experienced very different journeys, but their stories are very impactful.  These caregivers are or were involved (some lost their loved ones, but were appreciative to be able to have their loved ones remain at home) with the caregiver program through ServiceLink.

NH Caregivers: Being a Caregiver Times 2

NH Caregiver: Being a Caregiver Times 2

Length: 2:35 | Transcript: NH Caregiver: Being a Caregiver Times 2

The Many Benefits of the Caregiver Program

The Many Benefits of the Caregiver Program

This video describes from a caregiver and a staff viewpoint the benefits of the caregiver program through ServiceLink.  There are many benefits, and it varies by caregiver, but some benefits are quite impactful to the caregiver and care receiver.

Overview of Caregiver Program

Overview of Caregiver Program

This short video is a quick overview of some of the benefits of ServiceLink, in particular, the caregiver program within ServiceLink, may be able to provide.

Length: 1:54 | Tags: Caregiver program ServiceLink | Transcript: Overview of Caregiver Program

Additional Benefits of Caregiver Program

Additional Benefits of Caregiver Program

A video which describes some of the benefits of the caregiver program that some caregivers have found who have been on the program.  These are direct testimonials from caregivers.

Asking for Help

Asking for Help

Terri, a caregiver for her mother, describes her caregiving journey, and how she came about getting assistance.