Supportive Adult Connections

Recognizing the valuable role that caring adults can play in the lives of youth and young adults, the Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) connects youth with supportive adults in their communities.

Primary Caring Adult (PCA)

DCYF works to ensure that all youth in foster care, with a plan of Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA), obtain a court approved Primary Caring Adult (PCA) who is willing to commit to a life-long relationship with them and provide ongoing support.      

If you are interested in hearing more about the role of the Primary Caring Adult (PCA) or becoming a PCA please contact the Adolescent Worker or Permanency JPPO in your area.

Primary Caring Adult

Learn about having (or becoming) a Primary Caring Adult for a youth in foster care.

Length: 6:10 | Tags: Adolescent Program mentoring | Transcript: Primary Caring Adult

Community Connect

The Community Connect Program connects youth in DCYF foster care with an adult they had a previous relationship with like a relative, former teacher or coach or matches them with a volunteer mentor from the community based on shared interests. The program provides youth an opportunity to make connections with supportive adults who may one day become a Primary Caring Adult.

Community Connect is currently available to youth 14 and older in placement through the DCYF Manchester, Southern (Nashua), Keene and Claremont District Offices.

If you are interested in learning more about Community Connect or becoming a volunteer mentor, please see contact information below.