Hepatitis Free Northern New England

A tri-state initiative providing evidence-based, localized, and actionable strategies that will free NNE (New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont) from hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

Hepatitis Free Northern New England (HFNNE) is a broad, community-based coalition with members and participants from all over the three states, who are living with, affected by, or work in the field of viral hepatitis. This initiative formed in 2021, and we welcome new participants to join the journey toward viral hepatitis B and C elimination at any time.

A primary goal of HFNNE is to bring the widest range of voices to the table as the Northern New England 2025 Viral Hepatitis Elimination Plan is created. The Planning Group meets once every other month, starting in February 2024. The plan will be published in January 2025.

HFNNE is a New Hampshire-driven collaboration involving the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS), the Maine Centers for Disease Control (ME CDC), the Vermont Department of Health (VT DOH), and stakeholders across diverse sectors spanning all three states. The NH Viral Hepatitis Prevention Program provides funding and project management for the HFNNE strategic planning process.

Funding for the HFNNE initiative is made possible by cooperative agreement #CDC-RFA-PS21-2103, “Integrated Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Prevention Funding for Health Departments” from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Viral Hepatitis. The views expressed in written materials or publications on this website do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply their endorsement of the U. S. Government.


Final Responsibility

The Health Departments of the three Northern New England states hold the final responsibility for submitting a Viral Hepatitis Elimination Plan that meets the CDC’s definitions and requirements laid out in their funding of this work. All input will be equally considered, and final decisions on matters that can’t be solved by the Planning Group and Steering Committee together, will be decided on by the Health Departments.


Hep Free NNE is a tri-state collaborative of multi-sectoral partners which has existed in some form since 2021.  With backbone support from NH, early partnership work began in 2021 with a goal of developing a regional plan to eliminate viral hepatitis across Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Partnership and planning activities were supported by CDC funds through the NH Department of Health and Human Services. The HFNNE coalition was shepherded by three state co-chairs from ME, NH, and VT; guided by a steering committee, and moved forward by a large planning group

Mission: To free Northern New England from viral hepatitis B and C. 

Vision: Northern New England is a place where new hepatitis B and C infections are prevented, every person knows their status, and every person with viral hepatitis has high-quality health care and treatment free from stigma and discrimination. 

Core Values

Non-traditional Partnerships: The success of the plan will depend on our ability to engage non-traditional partners focused on addressing an array of factors driving health outcomes.

Syndemic Approach: A harmonized, integrated, whole-person response to transform siloed strategies into systems of care is essential for addressing the overlapping epidemics of HIV, STIs, viral hepatitis, and injection drug use.

Many Voices: Engaging and amplifying diverse voices will result in more impactful strategies to free NNE from viral hepatitis.

Harm Reduction: HFNNE adheres to the principles of harm reduction (National Harm Reduction Coalition) and is committed to developing strategies that celebrate the rights of people who use drugs.

Intersectionality: Addressing the many ways that power collides and intersects to create systems of discrimination, disadvantage, and barriers to health is a HFNNE planning priority.

 Northern New England’s 2025-2030 Viral Hepatitis B and C Elimination Plan (Coming Soon)

The Hepatitis Free Northern New England tri-state collaborative (Hep Free NNE) will be launching the 2025-2030 NNE Viral Hepatitis B and C Elimination Plan in January 2025.  The NNE Viral Hepatitis B and C Elimination Plan sets a course to eliminate hepatitis B and C across Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. It emphasizes community-driven strategies, aligning with local needs and resources. 

The NNE Viral Hepatitis B and C Elimination Plan was developed using an iterative, community-driven process with contributions from over 200 co-creators and stakeholders across all three states. The plan aligns with the National Strategy for Viral Hepatitis and federal implementation plan.

An NNE Viral Hepatitis B and C Elimination Plan that is co-created by Community
Community contributions included: 

  • 150+ interviews with people who have lived experience with using drugs or viral hepatitis
  • 6 Harm Reduction programs 
  • 15 community discussion groups
  • 34 stakeholder interviews
  • 150+ Hep Free NNE Kick-Off Summit attendees
  • 27 Steering Committee Members
  • 40+ Planning Group Members
  • A Leadership Team co-chaired by Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinators from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont

Eliminating Hepatitis B and C in NNE is guided by five pillars:

  1. Welcoming Services & Spaces: Stigma is not a barrier to testing, treatment, or care
  2. Trusted Partners: Harm reduction services have the capacity to support viral hepatitis elimination efforts and strategies are informed by the leadership of people who use drugs.
  3. Capacity to Care: Cross-cultural and well-trained care teams and payors are connected and have the capacity to service all people engaged with the cascade of care.
  4. Equity & Autonomy:  All people have the resources we need to build resilience and determine our viral hepatitis care.
  5. Sustainability & Attainability: Policies and programs are informed by comprehensive data systems and sustained by a well-resourced public health infrastructure.

The plan aims to achieve hepatitis B and C elimination through:

  • Increased testing and treatment access across diverse settings.
  • Normalized conversations about hepatitis to reduce stigma.
  • Integrated care within broader health and social systems like housing and substance use programs.
  • Strengthened public health infrastructure with innovative funding and advocacy.

Call to Action:
Hep Free NNE now call upon stakeholders to align efforts with the 2025-2030 Viral Hepatitis B and C Elimination Plan, leveraging shared resources and knowledge to eliminate hepatitis in Northern New England. The success of this plan relies on commitment across healthcare, policymaking, and community organizations.


Browse these HFNNE Resources to learn more about the group and our work. Files open in a new browser tab.