NH Integrated HIV Plan and Workgroups
Information and resources regarding the New Hampshire Integrated HIV Plan (NH IHP), which provides partners with goals and objectives impacting HIV and related issues, and the NH IHP Workgroups, which lead the execution, review, and updates of the current IHP
The New Hampshire Integrated HIV Plan (NH IHP) provides NH's community and state partners with goals and objectives impacting HIV and related issues. The NH IHP work groups lead the execution, review, and updates of the current IHP. These work groups are made up of community members, healthcare professionals, case managers, people with lived experiences, community-based organizations, and state employees.
For the first time, the NH IHP is a working document. This allows it to be updated or changed during this time frame (currently 2022 - 2026) if the goals and objectives do not meet the needs or outcomes as determined by the IHP work groups and stakeholders (partners).
Work Group Leaders
The NH IHP work groups have several leaders responsible for this work.
- Two state employees are the point persons for the IHP efforts.
- Each of the four areas of focus (four separate work groups) have both a Community Co-Chair and State Co-Chair.
- The four areas of focus for the 2022-2026 NH IHP are Prevent, Diagnose, Treat and Respond.
- Show up, care and be active in meetings.
- Make sure lived experience is included in decisions made by each work group.
- Think about what will increase equity.
- Talk about what you can do to meet the goals and objectives of the NH IHP.
- Review data/reports and discuss what needs work (to be improved).
- Connect with community partners to meet the goals and objectives of the NH IHP.
Meetings are held at least every other month, or at least six (6) times in a calendar year (January - December). The schedule for the meetings are decided by each work group and can be found on the HPG Calendar.
A status report is to be completed for each NH IHP work group meeting. These are submitted to the State IHP Point Person by email to hpg@dhhs.nh.gov.
- Status reports are posted to allow work group members to stay informed of the ongoing efforts.
- This also allows community members interested in joining IHP work groups an opportunity to see the work being done.
- All names are removed from any NH IHP reports posted on this page.