Lead in Drinking Water Remediation Funding for Licensed Child Care Programs in New Hampshire

Funding information and application form for licensed child care providers to remove lead in drinking water.

Funding for licensed Child Care facilities to remove lead in drinking water is available now and can pay for up to 100% of the total approved remediation costs.


This funding can be used to reimburse any licensed child care facility in the state of New Hampshire for up to 100% of the total approved remediation costs for any faucets testing at five parts per billion (5 ppb) or above for lead in drinking water.

Remediation actions include:

  • Replacing faucets with certified lead-free faucets
  • Replacing pipes leading to faucets with lead free components
  • Installing water filtration systems
  • Installing bottle filling stations
  • Installing permanent signs to post outlets as not for drinking and/or hand wash only
  • Permanently removing drinking water outlets from service
  • Installing water treatment for corrosion control (for facilities that operate as a Public Water System)
  • Other

The plumbing and labor costs associated with completing these activities are also eligible, if needed. This includes funds for reimbursement of costs for lead remediation actions completed after May 17, 2016, that have not already been submitted for reimbursement.

Funding is first come, first served while funds are available and until funds are exhausted. This funding must be spent by December 31, 2025 and is being dispersed by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. Applications for funding must be received by October 15, 2025.

As necessary, invoices may be submitted with an application form in advance of work being completed. Applicants needing funding prior to completion of work should be in touch via the contact information below to discuss their application prior to submission.


As part of completing the application, be sure you have done the actions listed in the graphic below.

Email your completed application with attachments to: leadremediation@jsi.com.  

OR you may print and complete the application form and mail it with the required attachments to:

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.
Attn: Lead Remediation Grant
501 South St. 2nd Floor
Bow, NH 03304

Graphic on grant application process


Background Information

A total of $400,000 from the New Hampshire Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund is available to licensed child care facilities for removing lead in drinking water for any faucets testing at five parts per billion (5 ppb) or above. New Hampshire law (RSA 485:17-a) requires all public and nonpublic schools and licensed child care programs to sample for lead in drinking water at outlets where water is available for consumption by children. Examples of drinking water outlets include drinking fountains, classroom sinks and kitchen fixtures. Sampling is required whether a facility’s water comes from a well or a town/city public water system. The legislation was enacted in February 2018 by Senate Bill 247 and revised with the passage of House Bill 1421 in July 2022.

Visit the Get the Lead Out of Drinking Water webpages on the NH Department of Environmental Services website for more information on lead in water testing, community notification and remediation activities.

For questions or assistance, contact Laurie Rardin at (603) 271-0357 or CCLeadWater@dhhs.nh.gov

Get the lead out of drinking water logo