Family Resource Centers & Kinship Navigation
Information about Family Resource Centers in New Hampshire
Family Resource Centers (FRCs) are community-based organizations committed to promoting the well-being of families through individualized support and services. All services provided by FRCs are voluntary, confidential, and offered free of charge. There are no income eligibility or enrollment requirements, ensuring accessibility for all families seeking support.
Families have direct access to their local FRC, while community partners are encouraged to facilitate connections between families and these services. Additionally, FRCs are inclusive spaces, welcoming a variety of family structures such as kinship families- relatives or close family friends who care for children when their parents are unable to do so. A specific program, the Kinship Navigation Program, is available to support kinship caregivers by linking them with state benefits, community resources, information, and referrals, providing essential support and education.
Families are welcome to utilize the programming and services that best fit their preferences, needs, and at their discretion. Family Resource Centers work closely under the Family Support NH (FSNH) umbrella, allowing this network of FRCs to coordinate their services to meet family needs. While services may vary across FRCs based on community needs, common offerings can include:
- Access to concrete supports and referrals to community- based services
- Parenting education – parenting classes and parent-child playgroups
- Parent & Kinship support groups
- Home visiting
- Developmental screenings (ASQ-3, ASQ-SE)
- Family events and activities
- Tax prep and other financial services
- Connection to NH EASY for benefits and eligibility programs
Kinship Program

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