Program Quality

The Bureau of Program Quality (BPQ) strengthens the mission of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) with data driven support for program development, quality, and performance improvement.

BPQ provides DHHS programs with expertise in health services assessment, performance monitoring, quality improvement, and data analytics to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations and inform policy development.

Additionally, BPQ monitors performance improvement projects and supports compliance with regulatory and contract requirements. Data and reports are synthesized and disseminated to DHHS leadership, policy makers, and the public via web postings and upon request, in an effort to provide assurances of good public stewardship and find opportunities for improvement.

BPQ is comprised of four functional units:

  • Data Analytics
    • The Data Analytics Unit supports the DHHS mission through data driven analysis of DHHS programs and operations.
  • Health Services Assessment
    • The Health Services Assessment Unit plans, develops, implements, and integrates a variety of coordinated quality management activities to evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of services delivered to NH citizens.
  • Medicaid Quality Program
    • The Medicaid Quality Program supports DHHS in improving the health and well-being of Medicaid beneficiaries through data driven oversight and development of policy and programs, while leading quality assurance and improvement activities.
  • Substance-Misuse Planning and Evaluation
    • The Substance-Misuse Planning and Evaluation Unit, in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, is responsible for:
    • Identifying and analyzing data to better understand the impact of substance misuse on the state;
    • Recommending policies, strategies, and programs to effectively address these issues; and
    • Monitoring the quality and effectiveness of these efforts.