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Showing 1-10 of 292 results for “food safety”
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In general, foodborne illnesses are preventable if safe food handling practices are followed. Below are some facts and tips to teach you the basics of food safety. Adapted from Serving Up Safe
This page contains links to food safety posters, a food safety training video, a food licensing process video, sample policies and procedures and other food safety resources that may be helpful for fo
Any Health Care Facility licensed by the State of NH must be in compliance with the NH State Fire Code including, but not limited to, the Life Safety Code NFPA 101 and the International Building Code.
What is RSC? Risk & Safety Consultation is a data-informed approach to quality improvement that provides a proactive approach of reviewing high risk assessments in real time and providing promp
Hospital Safety and Care New Hampshire Hospital is committed to providing a safe, helpful and caring environment for patient care. The building and grounds of New Hampshire Hospital have been desig
There are several statutes and administrative rules that are used by the Food Protection Program to ensure the safety of food throughout the production and distribution process. These regulation