SR 03-22 Dated 07/03





June 24, 2003




Division of Family Assistance


DFA Supervisors

Managers of Administration



Developing Potential Sources of Income


July 1, 2003




This SR releases:

·   clarifications regarding developing potential sources of income in the TANF and adult categories of financial and medical assistance programs; and

·   for medical assistance-only applicants and currently open financial and medical assistance recipients, a revised timeframe, from 3 months to 30 days, in which application for these other benefits must occur.


It is a condition of eligibility that all applicants and recipients of TANF financial and medical assistance and the adult categories of financial and medical assistance, explore and apply for all potential sources of income or benefits for which they are entitled. The parameters for developing these potential sources of income and benefits have been clarified as follows:



Current Policy

Revised Policy

Application for other benefits for which the individual is potentially eligible, must be made:

·   before the application for adult categories of financial assistance (OAA, ANB, or APTD) is processed; or

·   no later than 3 months after the month the referral was made, if:

-   a recipient of TANF or adult category financial or medical assistance; or

-   applying for TANF financial or medical assistance or adult category medical assistance-only.

The individual must provide verification of application for other benefits for which they are potentially entitled:

·   before the application for NHEP/FAP, OAA, ANB, or APTD financial assistance is processed; or

·   no later than 30 days after the referral for the other benefit was made, if:

-   a recipient of TANF or adult category financial or medical assistance; or

-   applying for TANF or adult categories of medical assistance-only.

Individuals who are potentially eligible for other income or benefits must:

·   apply for the benefit;

·   cooperate in taking the necessary steps to obtain the benefit; and

·   accept the benefit, if eligible.

In addition to applying for, cooperating in, and accepting the benefit, individuals who are potentially eligible for other income or benefits must also pursue all appeal options, up to, but not including, court action, if found ineligible for the benefit due to medical reasons.

Medical assistance-only applicants or recipients do not have to apply for SSI benefits.

Medical assistance applicants or recipients:

·   do not have to apply for SSI benefits; and

·   are exempt from exploring and applying for any potential sources of income or benefits, if good cause exists.


Good cause exists if the medical assistance applicant or recipient verifies that a physical, mental, educational, or linguistic limitation prevented them from:

·   applying for the other income/benefits; or

·   taking the necessary steps to obtain the other income/benefits.


If good cause exists, the individual is exempt from developing potential sources of income until the individuals next redetermination. If good cause continues to exist at that time, the exemption may be extended until the next regularly scheduled redetermination.





Effective July 1, 2003, the following clarifications to policy regarding developing potential sources of income will apply to all applicants and recipients of NHEP/FAP financial and medical assistance and the adult categories of financial and medical assistance.


Revised Application Timeframes for Developing Potential Sources of Income


An individual must provide verification of their application for other benefits for which they are potentially entitled:

·   before the application for NHEP/FAP, OAA, APTD, or ANB financial assistance can be processed; or

·   no later than 30 days after the referral for the other benefit was made, if:

-   a current recipient of TANF or adult category financial or medical assistance; or

-   applying for TANF or adult categories of medical assistance-only.

Exception: Medical assistance-only applicants and recipients do not have to apply for SSI benefits. Individuals should be encouraged to apply however, because if the individual is eligible for this benefit, it is additional income for the client.


If the individual is potentially eligible for a benefit and refuses or fails to apply for the benefit:

·   terminate medical assistance for all adults in the assistance group (children remain eligible); and

·   terminate, or do not open, financial assistance for the entire assistance group.

Exceptions: Women who are pregnant or are within the 60-day post-partum medical coverage period, cannot be terminated from medical assistance for failure or refusal to obtain third party medical coverage.

 TANF related extended medical assistance cannot be terminated for refusal or failure to apply for potential benefits. See FAM 173 for valid closing reasons.


Note: Individuals are required to explore and apply for all potential sources of income or benefits, if the income or benefit is potentially available to them. If not potentially entitled to the income/benefit, the individual is not required to apply for the income/benefit. For example, an individual with children may have a short-term injury, such as a broken leg, which meets the deprivation requirements for TANF incapacitated parent. This individual is not required to apply for SSA disability benefits. However, if the injury occurred at work, the individual is required to apply for workers compensation.


Cooperation Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income


As a condition of eligibility, all applicants and recipients of financial and medical assistance must cooperate in taking the necessary steps to obtain all benefits for which they are potentially entitled.


Cooperation with the requirements for developing potential sources of income means that the individual must:

·   provide all required information and verification required by the eligibility-determining agencies or individual(s) responsible for the other income/benefit;

·   complete all forms as required in the application process for the other income or benefit in the timeframes and manner required by the eligibility-determining agencies or individual(s) responsible for the other income/benefit; and

·   pursue all appeal options within the timeframes set by the eligibility determining agencies or individual(s) responsible for the other income/benefit, up to, but not including, court action, if found ineligible for the benefit due to medical reasons.


Deny or terminate financial assistance for the entire assistance group and terminate medical assistance for all adults in the assistance group, if any individual in the group refuses or fails to:

·   complete the application process for the other income or benefit;

·   provide information or verification to obtain the other income or benefit;

·   cooperate with the eligibility-determining agencies or individual(s) responsible for the other income or benefit; or

·   pursue all appeal options up to, but not including, court action, if found ineligible for the income or benefit due to medical reasons.


Good Cause Reason for Not Developing Potential Sources of Income


Medical assistance applicants and recipients are exempt from developing potential sources of income if good cause exists. Good cause exists if the individual verifies that a physical, mental, educational, or linguistic limitation prevented the individual from:

·   applying for the other income/benefit for which they are potentially eligible; or

·   taking the necessary steps to obtain the income/benefits.


If good cause exists, the medical assistance applicant or recipient is exempt from developing potential sources of income until the individuals next redetermination, at which time the exemption must be reviewed and, if good cause continues to exist, the exemption may be extended until the next regularly scheduled redetermination.




All information regarding the benefits or income for which the individual has applied, must be:

·   entered into the "Benefit Applied for Outside of New HEIGHTS" screen. Note: Income or benefits for which a child must apply, must be entered under the adults name in the assistance group, not the childs name. Use the caseheads name if the child is part of a two-parent household; and

·   updated any time new information regarding the status of the individuals application for other benefits is received.


Denial/Closure of Assistance for Failure of the Individual to Apply, Cooperate, or Accept Benefit


If an individual in the assistance group refuses or fails to apply for or accept benefits, or fails to cooperate during the application process for the benefits, choose "Refused/Failed to Verify" in the verification section of the "Benefit Applied for Outside of New HEIGHTS" screen. This will automatically deny or terminate financial assistance for the entire assistance group, and:

·   terminate medical assistance for all adults in the SSP assistance group; or

·   terminate medical assistance for the non-compliant individual in the TANF assistance group; children will remain eligible for medical assistance.


Workaround for 2-Parent TANF cases: Because New HEIGHTS currently closes TANF medical assistance for the non-compliant individual only, rather than all adults in the assistance group, FSS must take the following additional steps to ensure that all adults in the case are correctly terminated for medical assistance:

·   On the "Program of Assistance" (POA) Screen, set the "Medical Assistance Request" at the case level to "yes".

·   At the individual level, enter "yes" for the medical assistance request for the non-compliant adult and all children. For the other adult(s), set the request to "No" and select the reason "Failed to Provide/Verify Information."

·   On the "Benefits Applied for Outside New HEIGHTS" screen, enter "Refused/Failed to Verify" under "Benefit Application Date" for the non-compliant adult.


New HEIGHTS will then deny medical assistance for the non-compliant adult for failure to develop potential sources of income, will also deny the other adult(s) in the assistance group for failure to provide/verify information based upon the information provided on the POA screen, and the children in the case will remain open for medical assistance. Systems changes to automatically close medical assistance for all adults in the case are in process. Upon completion, District Offices will be notified under separate cover.


Denial of Benefits Other Than SSI/SSA Benefits


If an individual is denied benefits other than SSI or SSA benefits, review the reason for denial and determine if the individual is still eligible for DFA assistance. Update the "Benefit Applied for Outside of New HEIGHTS" screen, and enter a note of explanation on the "Case Notes" screen.


Denial of SSI/SSA Benefits – Non-Medical Reasons


If an individual is denied SSI or SSA benefits for non-medical reasons, review the reason and compare with DFA policy to determine if the individual is still eligible for assistance.


Examples of Non-Medical SSI/SSA Denial Reasons


SSA: Individuals must have been employed for the 40 months immediately prior to the onset of disability in order to be considered "insured" for SSA eligibility purposes. If the individual was unemployed for a year prior to the onset of disability, the individual would not be considered "insured" for SSA purposes and would, therefore, not be eligible for SSA. The SSA denial reason would be "not in insured status." The individual, however, would remain eligible for DFA programs.


SSI: An individual may be denied SSI for transferring assets for less than fair market value. Review the transfer to determine whether a penalty would apply to the individuals financial assistance or medical assistance eligibility.


SSI: If an individual is denied SSI for excess resources or income, re-evaluate the individuals finances to verify that the individual is within eligibility limits.


Denial of SSA/SSI Benefits – Medical Reasons


Denial of SSA Benefits – Medical Reasons


When an application for SSA has been denied for medical reasons, the individual must appeal SSAs decision. There are four levels of SSA appeal, the last being Federal court review. The individual is not required to appeal to the fourth level, however the individual must appeal to the first three levels. If the individual refuses to appeal an SSA medical denial, terminate financial assistance for the entire assistance group and terminate medical assistance for all adults in the assistance group for failure to cooperate in developing potential sources of income. Assistance continues if the individual cooperates with the appeal process, as long as the individual is otherwise eligible.


Denial of SSI Benefits – Medical Reasons


When an application for SSI has been denied for medical reasons, the individual must appeal SSAs decision through the first three levels of appeal. The individual is not required to appeal to the fourth level of appeal involving the Federal court review. If the individual refuses to appeal an SSI medical denial, terminate financial assistance for the entire assistance group. Do not terminate medical assistance. Encourage the individual to appeal the SSI denial, but if the individual does not appeal the SSI denial, refer the denial information to the Disability Determination Unit (DDU) for a review of the original DHHS medical approval.


Assistance continues if the individual cooperates with the appeal process, as long as the individual is otherwise eligible.


Denial of SSI/SSA Benefits – Appeal Process


Once it has been determined that an individual has been denied SSI or SSA benefits (at application and subsequent denials at the first and second levels of appeal), because they do not meet the medical criteria for the program, send the individual the notice that was attached to the Directors Memo dated March 25, 2003, subject line "Procedures Regarding Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income Monitoring the SSA/SSI New HEIGHTS Data Exchanges."


This notice alerts the individual that DHHS has been informed that the individual has been denied SSI/SSA because of not meeting the medical criteria for SSI/SSA. The letter will advise the individual that cash assistance will be terminated in 30 days unless the individual provides verification that the SSA decision has been appealed. The letter also provides the individual with information regarding NH Legal Assistances ability to assist with the appeal.


If the individual provides verification within 30 days that the SSI/SSA denial has been appealed, update the information on the "Benefit Applied for Outside of New HEIGHTS" screen. Take no action to terminate benefits. Follow up on the SSI/SSA appeal no later than the next redetermination.


If the individual fails to appeal the SSI/SSA denial within 30 days or fails to verify that the denial has been appealed, terminate assistance in accordance with policy for failure to cooperate in developing potential sources of income.


If the individual is denied for medical reasons after the third level of appeal, refer the case to the DDU and request a medical re-review, per the instructions in the Directors Memo dated March 25, 2003. The DDU will review the disability status and notify the DO of the results of the assessment.


Refer potential overpayment of benefits to the Office of Special Investigations (OSI).




Revised Family Assistance Manual Topics


Section 317.01    Potential Sources of Income

Section 317.03    Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income

Section 317.05    Application Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income

Section 317.07    Cooperation Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income

Section 317.09    Good Cause for Not Developing Potential Sources of Income




Revised Adult Assistance Manual Topics



Section 315.01    Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income

Section 315.03    Application Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income

Section 315.05    Cooperation Requirements for Developing Potential Sources of Income

Section 315.07    Good Cause for Not Developing Potential Sources of Income






The policy released by this SR is effective beginning July 1, 2003.




A public hearing regarding the changes released in this SR was held on May 16, 2003. No additional client notification is planned.




No training is planned for this change.




This SR may be destroyed or deleted after its contents have been noted and the revised manual topics released by this SR have been posted to the On-line manuals.




This SR will be distributed according to the electronic distribution list for Division of Family Assistance policy releases. This SR, and revised On-Line Manuals, will be available for agency staff in the On-Line Manual Library, and for public access on the Internet at, effective August 1, 2003.


This SR, and printed pages with posting instructions, will be distributed under separate cover to all hard copy holders of the Family Assistance and Adult Assistance Manuals.