Medicaid State Plan

Information and resources for the Medicaid State Plan, required by federal Medicaid regulations, to ensure that New Hampshire will receive matching federal funds for its Medicaid program

All state Medicaid agencies are required to have an approved Title XIX/Medicaid State Plan. The state plan describes the nature and scope of its program and gives assurance that the state’s Medicaid program will operate in compliance with federal Medicaid regulations and other official federal issuances. Having an approved state plan ensures that the state will receive matching federal funds for its Medicaid program. 

Amendments to the state plan are necessary for many reasons, such as changes to: eligibility, services or limits, provider types, prior authorization and reimbursement amounts or methodologies. Details about state plan requirements, including the timing of submittals, can be found at 42 CFR 430, Subpart B. Proposed state plan amendments are submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for review and approval before posting.

The state plan does not contain extensive service details and requirements. This information is obtained through the Department’s rules listed on the State of New Hampshire Administrative Rules website or via the DHHS online eligibility policy manual. If knowledge is needed on pending state plan submissions, please contact us.

The official New Hampshire State Plan is maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Region I, Boston, MA. For access to the most up-to-date State Plan Amendment pages, please visit the Medicaid State Plan Amendments page on the site: Medicaid State Plan Amendments | Through the CMS Medicaid State Plan Amendments page, you will be able to search by State (New Hampshire), date, and topic area.

New Hampshire’s Medicaid State Plan, like all State Plans, is constantly changing and improving to ensure that its citizens are served.