Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) promotes the quality of patient care and appropriate use of schedule II-IV controlled substances for legitimate medical purposes, including the deterrence of misuse and diversion of controlled substances.

The NH PDMP was authorized in 2012 for the purpose of enhancing patient care, curtailing the misuse and abuse of controlled substances, combating illegal trade in and diversion of controlled substances, and enabling access to prescription information by practitioners and dispensers.

NH PDMP contracts with a vendor (Bamboo Health) to maintain a secure web-based database (PMP AWARxE) that collects and stores prescribing and dispensing data for schedule II-IV controlled substances.

New Hampshire law requires: (1) all prescribers and dispensers who are authorized to prescribe or dispense schedule II-IV controlled substances within NH to be registered with the PDMP; and (2) every dispenser to submit information to the PDMP regarding each prescription dispensed for a schedule II-IV controlled substance.


Program Updates

August 2022

New PMP AWARxE Functionality: NarxCare 

Effective August 1, 2022, the New Hampshire PDMP will deliver expanded functionality within PMP AWARxE, called NarxCare. This enhancement replaces the current view of all Patient Reports, but it maintains the full prescription history detail that practitioners currently see in PMP AWARxE.

NarxCare provides interactive visualizations of a patient's controlled drug prescription history, as well as proprietary risk scores, called Narx Scores, and patient-specific clinical alerts. NarxCare also includes a communications module for practitioners to use to communicate information with their patients' other clinicians. NarxCare is intended to help healthcare professionals make better-informed clinical decisions when prescribing opioids and other controlled substances, and may help practitioners identify, prevent, and better manage substance use disorders.

The NH PMP AWARxE User Support Manual has been updated with appendices describing the new NarxCare functionality.

Follow this link for the NarxCare Quick Reference Guide.


May 2022

PMP Gateway Integration

The NH Department of Health and Human Services, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, is pleased to announce statewide funding for an integration option for NH prescribers and pharmacists, called PMP Gateway. Bamboo Health’s PMP Gateway solution provides integrated access to the NH PDMP database within a healthcare entity’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) / Pharmacy Management System (PMS). 

This solution integrates PDMP data into a provider’s clinical workflow. Separate log-in to the PMP AWARxE web portal will no longer be necessary to query a patient’s prescription history. Instead, the EHR/PMS will automatically initiate a patient query, which will return the patient’s controlled substance prescription records directly within the provider’s clinical workflow. 

DHHS is utilizing federal grant funding to support integration licensing fees for prescribers and pharmacists in New Hampshire. State funding is planned through January 2024, after which it will be subject to the continuation of ongoing grant funding. The PMP Gateway product will remain available regardless of future state funding.

To get started today, please follow the steps:

PLEASE NOTE: Only authorized decision-makers should complete the integration process within Customer Connect. Not an authorized decision-maker? Let the right person in your organization know that you want Gateway integration. 

The NH PDMP and Bamboo Health look forward to working with providers and healthcare entities throughout NH to help improve provider access to critical controlled substance prescription history information and to combat the opioid crisis in the State of New Hampshire.


PDMP Registration for Practitioners

Resources for Prescribers

Resources for Dispensers

Other Resources