Home and Community Based Care

Information and resources regarding the home-based programs offered by the Bureau of Adult & Aging Services (BAAS), providing services and supports to assist people to live as independently as possible in safety and with dignity.

Three home-based programs offered by the Bureau of Adult & Aging Services, that provide the following services and supports, funded through the Older Americans Act, Social Services Block Grant, and the Medicaid Choices for Independence Waiver program. 


Older Americans Act Title III Home Health Services

Home Health Services are provided through a statewide network of licensed home health agencies that contract with BAAS. Services are provided to individuals ages 60 and older, living in the community, who has the greatest economic and social need. Services provided include nursing, assistance with personal care, homemaking, home delivered meals, congregate meals services. Contact the ServiceLink Resource Centers for information on these services.

Social Services Block Grant Community Based Supports

The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is funded under Title XX of the Social Security Act and provides home and community-based services targeting elderly (age 60 and older) and younger adults between age 18 and 60 who have a chronic illness or disability. SSBG services, also known as Title XX services, are provided to promote independence, prevent unnecessary institutionalization and protect individuals from abuse, neglect and exploitation.

These services may include:

  • Adult Medical Day Services
  • Adult In-Home Care
  • Essential Services (Chore, Emergency Support, Respite)
  • Home-Delivered Meals
  • Homemaker Services

Monthly Income Limit for Title XX Services - Effective January 1, 2025, the monthly income limit for Title XX (Social Services Block Grant) services is $1,600.20 per person. The income limit is used for both initial determinations and annual redeterminations of Title XX service eligibility.

For more information on these services, please contact the ServiceLink Resource Centers

Administered by the Bureau of Adult & Aging Services, the program provides a wide range of service choices that help seniors and adults with chronic illnesses to continue living independently in their own homes and communities.

The Choices for Independence brochure provides introductory information about the program.

People who wish to apply for the program may contact the ServiceLink Resource Centers for assistance with the application process.

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