Licensing & Certification

Information and resources regarding licensing and certification of health facilities and child care.

Each licensing area conducts its activities through on-site inspection and monitoring visits performed by licensing specialists who have expertise in their particular fields. Additionally, licensing staff provide technical assistance to new and existing providers and are responsible for investigations of consumer complaints.

Note: The Licensing and Certification Unit at DHHS does not handle the licensing of professionals such as physicians, nurses, optometrists, psychologists, pharmacists, etc. Please visit the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification for more information.

Child Care Licensing

The Child Care Licensing Unit (CCLU) ensures that children attending NH child care programs are in safe and healthy environments and are provided with care, supervision and developmentally appropriate activities that meet each child's physical and emotional needs.

Health Facilities Administration

Health Facilities Administration (HFA) is responsible for the oversight and enforcement of basic standards designed to promote safe and appropriate care of persons receiving care and treatment in hospitals and other medical facilities, residential facilities, and through nonresidential health care providers.


Division of Public Health Services

In addition to the program areas overseen by the Licensing and Certification Unit, the Division of Public Health Services oversees the following licensing sections.

Food Establishment Licensing

The Food Protection Program licenses food service establishments such as restaurants, bars, schools, grocery stores, convenience stores, bed and breakfasts and mobile units. The Program also licenses or permits food and beverage manufacturers, shellfish harvesters, dairy farms and dairy plants.

Radiological Health

New Hampshire is an Agreement State with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and is responsible for all regulation of radiation within the state except for on-site activities at the Seabrook Station nuclear power plant and at federal facilities. The Radiological Health Section licenses the use of radioactive materials in medical, industrial, educational, and veterinary establishments. The Radiological Health Section registers radiation generating devices and magnetic resonance imaging devices along with any business or persons who provide any support services to these devices.

Learn more about the Radiological Health Section