Individual and Family Information and Resources
Information and resources from the Bureau of Developmental Services for families, with the mission to support citizens with developmental disabilities and acquired brain disorders

IHS Waiver Renewal Listening Sessions
IHS Waiver Renewal Listening Sessions
The In Home Supports (IHS) Waiver is beginning the renewal process, with an anticipated completion date of 1/1/2026. Prior to drafting any changes to the current waiver, the Bureau of Developmental Services is kicking off a series of individual and family listening sessions to hear feedback, experiences, and thoughts from individuals and families who utilize services on the IHS Waiver. The Institute on Disability at UNH will facilitate these discussions.
The sessions are being held in three locations to accommodate a broad geographical area, as well as two virtual sessions. See "Upcoming Events" below and read the informational flyer for event details.
BDS Service Options in the DD Waiver Webinar Series, Summer 2024
The Bureau of Developmental Services is pleased to announce a series of presentations on the current services available on the Developmental Disabilities waiver. Below is the presentation we have to date that is updated to include additional presentations, accordingly.
- Service Options in the Developmental Disabilities Waiver (7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14)
BDS is currently developing a webinar Series "BDS Service Options in the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver" to accompany the above powerpoints and provide individuals and families an overview of the services that are available within the DD Service System.
BDS Focus Group - Individuals and Families
- Developmental Services Forms Focus Group (08/08/24)
- PDMS Focus Group (08/15/24)
Other Resources
- Summer 2024 BDS Stakeholder Engagement Summary (11/2024)
- NH DHHS SIS-A (2nd Edition) FAQ (09/2024)
- Provider List by Service (updated 09/2024)
- BDS Stakeholder Engagement Summaries (07/2024)
- BDS Regional Liaison List (06/2024)
- BDS Area Agency Map (06/2024)
- NH's Rights & Responsibilities (01/2024)
BDS Systems Work Compliance Webinar Series, Spring 2023
BDS has developed the webinar series "Introduction to Direct Bill and Conflict-Free Case Management in New Hampshire's Developmental Disabilities Service System" to provide individuals and families an overview of the changes that have been completed regarding Compliance and Direct Bill that went into effect July 1, 2023. Please view the series links below.
- Session 1: Introduction to Compliance (3:43)
- Session 2: History of Compliance Initiatives (3:10)
- Session 3: Path to Compliance (5:01)
- Session 4: Direct Bill Process (3:57)
- Session 5: Conflict Free Case Management (4:57)
- Session 6: Conclusion & Key Takeaways (1:25)

Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) Newsletters
Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) Newsletters
- Subscribe to the BDS Newsletters.
- Visit our Newsletter Archives to read past issues.
Partner Resource Spotlight
The Bureau of Developmental Services is excited to spotlight valuable resources from our community partners.
New Hampshire Housing
- Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program - offers employment and financial coaching to housing choice voucher participants to help them achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Gateways Community Services

Opportunities to Advocate with People First of NH
Protecting - Encouraging - Advocating
- Protecting the rights of people with disabilities to make choices and decisions in their own lives.
- Encouraging everyone to find their passion and voice to live up to their fullest potential.
- Advocating for a more accessible and inclusive world.
Founded in 1992, People First of NH is a 501c3 Non-profit organization led by people with disabilities.
People First Annual Report:

People First Meeting Dates
People First Meeting Dates
Are you a New Hampshire advocate? People First would love to have you join!
Meetings are held on Zoom the fourth Saturday of the month, from 10:30am to 1:00pm. Every 3 months (March, June, September, and December), meetings are held in person in Concord, NH, from 11:00am to 3:00pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824625 6002
Passcode: 267807