Disease Handbook for Childcare Providers
Information regarding the Disease Handbook, which was prepared by the Division of Public Health Services, Bureau of Infectious Disease Control, for childcare providers and parents/guardians of children in childcare.
Changes to Infectious Disease Reporting Fax Numbers (3/16/2022, NH Health Alert Network)
Disease Handbook for Childcare Providers (complete)
The Handbook is a complete, 83 page document, as well as separate fact sheets, to allow users to easily find and print the information they need.
The fact sheets can be copied to share with parents and guardians, as needed.
In the event, any of the illnesses in this manual happen among children in childcare, parents or guardians should be alerted quickly by the childcare provider, and urged to call their healthcare provider to get medical care advice.
Childcare directors should notify the Bureau of Infectious Disease Control, right away, of any unusual disease event in their facilities. This allows the correct disease control efforts to begin as quickly as possible.
To contact the Bureau of Infectious Disease Control, call (603) 271- 4496 or (800) 852-3345, ext. 4496 (from within New Hampshire).
New Hampshire Reportable Infectious Diseases List