Therapeutic Cannabis
The Therapeutic Cannabis Program was established in 2013, under RSA 126-X. That law establishes exemptions from criminal penalties for the therapeutic use of cannabis in New Hampshire.
The Therapeutic Cannabis Program (TCP) maintains a confidential registry of qualifying patients, their caregivers, and their certifying medical providers. The program processes applications and issues cannabis registry ID cards to eligible patients and caregivers. The registry ID cards allow cardholders to purchase therapeutic cannabis from one of the state’s licensed Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs). The ATCs are independently operated, not-for-profit entities responsible for the cultivation, production, and dispensing of therapeutic cannabis to qualifying patients in New Hampshire. The program regulates the ATCs for safety, quality, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
January 2025
Therapeutic Cannabis Exempt from New “Open Container” Cannabis Law
On January 1, 2025, cannabis and cannabis products will be subject to the same open container law as alcohol. This law does not apply to therapeutic cannabis as authorized under RSA 126-X.
SB 426 establishes a violation level offense (subject to a $150 fine and driver’s license suspension) for a driver or passenger to transport, carry, possess, or have any cannabis or cannabis product within the passenger area of a motor vehicle that is not in its original container and with the seal unbroken. Any unsealed containers of cannabis must be stored in the trunk of the vehicle, or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, then they must be stored in the compartment or area of the vehicle that is least accessible to the driver, or in the glove compartment.
This violation and penalty is in addition to any other applicable violation and penalty for the possession of cannabis in the State of New Hampshire.
To minimize any potential confusion, the Therapeutic Cannabis Program encourages all registered patients and caregivers to:
- Have your Registry ID Card with you whenever you possess cannabis outside your home.
- Keep cannabis in a locked container or in the trunk or cargo portion of your vehicle when transporting cannabis.
- Keep cannabis in its original packaging as dispensed by your ATC.
October 2024
Program Changes: Qualifying Medical Conditions, Certifying Providers, and Visiting Out-of-State Patients
New Qualifying Medical Conditions
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Effective September 10, 2024, HB 1349 adds Generalized Anxiety Disorder to the list of qualifying medical conditions for the therapeutic use of cannabis.
- Any Debilitating or Terminal Condition or Symptom. Effective October 1, 2024, HB 1278 gives medical providers greater discretion to certify adults 21 years of age or older for the therapeutic use of cannabis. Providers can now certify their adult patients for “any debilitating or terminal medical condition or symptom for which the potential benefits of using therapeutic cannabis would, in the provider’s clinical opinion, likely outweigh the potential health risks for the patient.” Providers must attest to their clinical opinion on the Written Certification form.
Certifying Medical Providers
Effective September 24, 2024, SB 357 expands the provider types who can certify patients for the Therapeutic Cannabis Program.
- Any NH-licensed medical provider with prescriptive authority may now certify their patients for the program, including the following additional provider types: dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, and naturopathic doctors.
- In the border states of Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont, physician assistants may now certify their patients who are NH residents for the NH Therapeutic Cannabis Program.
- The types of providers who can certify a minor patient (under age 18) have been expanded to include “pediatric care providers.” A pediatric care provider includes:
- Providers who have a medical specialty of pediatrics, family practice/family medicine, or a pediatric subspecialty;
- Physician assistants: (1) whose collaboration agreement, if one is required, is with a physician with a medical specialty listed above; OR (2) who are employed as a member of a pediatric healthcare team; OR (3) who are a sole practitioner who has extensive training and experience treating children from birth through young adulthood for their physical, emotional, and social healthcare needs; OR
- Other providers who attest to having extensive training and experience treating children from birth through young adulthood for their physical, emotional, and social healthcare needs.
Visiting Out-of-State Patients
Effective October 1, 2024, HB 1278 removes restrictions on visiting out-of-state patients who access a NH-licensed Alternative Treatment Center (ATC) more than 3 times per year. Visitors from out of state and from Canada, who have documentation that they are allowed to possess cannabis for therapeutic purposes in their state or province, may now purchase therapeutic cannabis from a NH ATC at the same frequency as NH qualifying patients, regardless of their qualifying medical condition.
All applications, forms, and information sheets, located on the Applications and Forms page, have been updated to reflect the changes described above.
June 2023: Therapeutic Cannabis Patients Visiting from Other States Are Authorized to Access New Hampshire’s Therapeutic Cannabis Dispensaries
Beginning Wednesday, June 28, the Therapeutic Cannabis Program has authorized New Hampshire’s Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) to dispense therapeutic cannabis to visitors from out of state and from Canada who are allowed to possess cannabis for therapeutic purposes in their state or province.
Visiting patients can purchase therapeutic cannabis from a New Hampshire ATC three times per year using their valid therapeutic cannabis identification issued by another state or Canada. If the out-of-state patient has a documented qualifying medical condition that is on the list of conditions approved by New Hampshire, those visiting patients may purchase cannabis at New Hampshire ATCs at the same frequency as New Hampshire qualifying patients. New Hampshire’s qualifying medical conditions are listed on the Qualifying Medical Conditions webpage.
Visiting patients must show their out-of-state cannabis ID card and matching photo identification. There is a 2 ounce possession limit per patient, and all patients are limited to purchasing 2 ounces of cannabis in any 10-day period. Visiting patients must abide by all applicable state laws regarding their therapeutic use of cannabis.
There are seven ATC therapeutic cannabis dispensary locations operating in New Hampshire. They are located in Chichester, Conway, Dover, Keene, Lebanon, Merrimack, and Plymouth. Their locations are listed on the Alternative Treatment Centers webpage.
May 2023: Three-Year Certifications, Certification Extensions, and Provider Education
Effective May 2023, program rules about patient certification for the Therapeutic Cannabis Program have changed:
- A medical provider may certify their patients for up to 3 years.
- A medical provider may extend a current, effective Written Certification that they previously issued for less than 3 years. The total duration of a Written Certification, including any extensions, shall not exceed 3 years.
- A medical provider must provide additional counseling regarding the risks of cannabis use to two target populations: women of child-bearing age, and adolescents up to 25 years old.
Detailed information about these changes for patients and providers can be found on the May 2023 Program Update.
All forms, applications, and information sheets posted on the Applications and Forms page have been updated to reflect the new program rules.
Current version of He-C 401 – Therapeutic Cannabis Program Registry Rules, effective May 2023.
What do I need to apply for or renew my Registry ID Card?
The process and paperwork is the same each year whether you are a new applicant or renewing your card:
- A completed Patient Application
- A completed Written Certification (from your provider)
- $50 Application Fee: A check or money order, payable to “Treasurer-State of NH”
- Proof of NH Residency. This must include your name, your NH address, and a date. For example, a copy of your driver’s license or state ID, a utility or medical bill, or a current lease, etc. If a bill, it needs to be dated within the last 6 months. Proof of residency is not required if renewing at the same address.
Where do I mail/drop off the application packet?
Mail to: DHHS – TCP, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301
You can drop off your application packet at 29 Hazen Drive in Concord. There is an orange dropbox in front of the building that is checked daily, and another dropbox inside the building between the lobby reception windows.
What if I forgot to include one of the application items?
Send it separately and include a note saying you already sent the other items. Include your name and date of birth.
Is there still a requirement to send a passport size picture/photo?
No, the picture requirement was discontinued in November 2019.
Do I have to return my expired card?
No. Please cut it up and dispose of it in the trash.
What if I want to cancel my card?
Mail us your card and a note stating you no longer want to be part of the program.
My renewal notice has a suggested deadline. What if I miss that deadline?
We want to get your renewal ID card to you before your current ID card expires. If you send your renewal application in late, we may not be able to process it before your expiration date, especially if your application needs to be corrected by you or your medical provider. Send your renewal application in as soon as you are able to, even if it’s late, keeping in mind that your card may have a short lapse.
There is no penalty and no extra requirements if you reapply late.
Plan on seeing your medical provider 2 to 3 months before your card expires to have them complete the Written Certification for your renewal.
How long does it take to get a card?
We will review your application and send a “Notice of Incomplete Application” within 10 days of receiving it if your application is incomplete. If your application is complete, we will mail your card within 3 weeks.
Can I call to check the status of my card?
Please only call us if it has been more than 3 weeks without getting a Notice of Incomplete Application or receiving a card. We have more than 12,000 active patients and limited staff resources.
How do I change my name or address, or get a replacement card if I lost mine?
Use the Change of Information/Lost Card Form. There is no fee for a change of name/address. There is a $10 fee for a replacement card if you lost yours.
How long are the medical provider signatures on my Written Certification good for?
Signatures are good for 6 months. Have your provider re-sign and re-date the documents if it has been longer than 6 months.
I can’t find a medical provider to certify me for the program / My provider will no longer certify me. What can I do?
- ANY physician (MD or DO), APRN, or PA can certify their patients for the program. There is no requirement for a medical provider to register with the program as a “marijuana doctor.”
- Talk to your current provider(s) about your interest in the program, and ask if they will complete the Written Certification.
- If you don’t have a provider, or none of your providers will complete the Written Certification for you, please call one of the Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) in the state. The NH ATCs are allowed to maintain lists of providers that may be taking new patients for cannabis certification.
What if my provider is out of state? Can they certify me?
Yes. A physician (MD, DO) or APRN (but not PAs) in Massachusetts, Maine, or Vermont can certify you for the program, but that provider must be your primary care provider or a specialist who is actively treating you for your qualifying medical condition.
Who do I make the check or money order out to?
“Treasurer – State of NH”
Do you take cash?
Can I pay online?
Do you have a reduced application fee for financial hardship?
No, but the ATCs have a discount program for cannabis products. Contact the ATCs for information.
I have a current NH license or State ID, but it has my old address on it. Can I still use it for proof of NH residency?
If I have a Patient Registry ID Card, can I be a Caregiver for another patient?
Yes. You will be issued a separate Caregiver ID card.
How do I apply to be a Caregiver?
- You must be 21 years old and not have a felony conviction.
- Send us a Caregiver Application.
- If your patient did not already designate you as their Caregiver on their Patient Application, send us a Caregiver Designation Form as well.
Is there an application fee for Caregivers?
There is no application fee for Caregivers to apply or renew.