Concord (Merrimack County) ServiceLink


Merrimack County ServiceLink Resource Center is here to help you find the right path for you and your family.

ServiceLink serves people of all ages, income levels and needs.

Staff can assist and connect you to services and supports such as Medicare, Medicaid and Long Term supports and services, Veteran's services and supports, caregiver support and the Affordable Care Act.

Claremont (Sullivan County) ServiceLink


Sullivan County ServiceLink is here to help you find the right path for you and your family. Sullivan County ServiceLink provides unbiased assistance and support.

We are settling into our new location right across from the Claremont Spice shop and adjacent to the Police station. Local area agencies recommend us as the "first place to go" for help and we are excited to serve this community!

Berlin (Coos County) ServiceLink


Coos County ServiceLink is a program sponsored by a contract between Tri-County Community Action and the NH Department of Health and Human Services. Coos County ServiceLink covers all the area and the entire population of Coos County.

Our trained staff will provide home or community appointments in an as needed schedule.

Please contact us if you need an appointment in your home or community.

There is never a fee or eligibility requirement. Conversations are confidential.