Adolescent Program

Information and resources for the DCYF Adolescent Program

The Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Adolescent Program helps current and former youth in care become healthy, self-sufficient and successful. We do this by: 

  • Creating connections with caring adults
  • Providing opportunities for normalcy and positive youth development
  • Connecting youth to supportive resources 
  • Preparing youth for the transition from foster care to adulthood


Working with DCYF: Katia and Madison, former Youth in Care

Transitioning from the Foster Care System to Adulthood

Adolescent Child Protective Service Workers and Permanency JPPOs with specialized training in adult living preparation, positive youth development and teen services, provide case consultation and resource information to agency staff working with this population.

For youth in out-of-home placement, the Adult Living Preparation Process helps them plan for their futures and prepare for a successful transition to adulthood. The process starts at age 14 for youth in DCYF placement due to abuse and neglect, delinquency or CHINS. Teens are encouraged to actively engage in the Adult Living Preparation Process. Each teen receives information about community resources, transitional and adult issues. In addition, a youth participates in several assessments and helps with the development of an Adult Living Plan and Post Care Plan to support living as an adult after exit from state care. The plans are updated as needed to monitor progress and ensure a teen's adult preparation needs are met.


Contact Information

Resources for Youth and Young Adults

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If you have any child abuse or neglect concerns please call 603-271-6562