Public Health Education and Detailing Program

Providing support to internal and external partners with a focus on infectious diseases.

The New Hampshire Public Health Education and Detailing (PHED) Team provides in person and virtual education, as well as, resource sharing with healthcare providers, community-based organizations, schools and other community partners. Our priority is to provide the most current information on infectious disease prevention, screening, testing and treatment in a non-judgmental way, while being a resource for the community. To achieve this priority, partnerships are a must, and we always seek to create new partnerships while strengthening our current partnerships.

Areas of the PHED Team, include:

  • Public Health Detailing (for healthcare providers)

    • Providing detailed information on new and arising efforts to reduce infectious diseases in NH.

    • One-to-one setting (in person or through the use of electronic devices).

    • Leave providers with an action kit providing resources and tools related to that visit.

  • Infectious Disease School Liaison

    • This effort worked closely with the K-12 schools, preschools, colleges and camps during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Moving forward, this effort will incorporate other infectious diseases (HIV, STI, hepatitis, etc.), and how we can support the schools in these areas.

Public Health Detailing

Public heath detailing promotes connections with healthcare providers and healthcare systems to provide up-to-date information, including but not limited to, the screening and treatment of infectious diseases. The public health detailing effort models academic detailing efforts. Through the public health detailing one-to-one visits, healthcare providers receive:

  • Tips on using evidence-based prevention, testing and treatment/care for infectious diseases (i.e. HIV, STIs, hepatitis, TB, tick-borne, etc.),

  • Useful disease-specific data and information to provide quality care for clients,

  • Support through services brought directly to them, and

  • Access to subject matter experts to provide them with added support, if needed.

What happens during a detailing visit?

  • The first visit is guided by a Public Health Detailer to grasp the needs of each healthcare provider and their office.

    • The healthcare provider will also receive a detailing kit with information on a specific infectious disease topic.

  • Added support can be provided, as needed, to the office or healthcare provider.

  • Healthcare providers are asked to fill out two brief surveys to:

    • Rate the detailing visit,

    • Shape our program and resources to meet their needs, and

    • Collect data on the healthcare provider's learning and use of the information provided.

What is in a Detailing Kit?

The Detailing Kits include:

  • Items specific to the topics covered during detailing visits and

  • Mainly for healthcare providers with some client/patient items.

A kit to meet the needs of a healthcare provider and their office can be requested at


  • Action kits are provided in both hard copy and digital format.

What topics are the focus of Public Health Detailing?

The Public Health Detailers focus on illnesses which are considered an infectious disease.

There is constant work to develop new focused action kits, as well as, update the action kits currently available.

At this moment, there are several focused action kits being developed, including:

  • HIV Prevention and Treatment,
  • STI Prevention and Treatment,
  • Tuberculosis (TB),
  • Influenza Like Illnesses (ILI), and
  • Tick-borne Illnesses.

Action Kits currently available for your use includes Expedited Partner Therapy, or EPT.


For more information on public health detailing or to suggest detailing topics, please contact us at