Systems Work: Summer 2022 Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version (SIS-A™) Assessment Sample

Information and resources for SIS-A™, a valuable person-centered planning tool focusing on identifying how supports can help a person achieve their goals

What is SIS-A™?

The Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) is in the process of developing updated reimbursement rates for developmental disability services. Service providers currently receive rates that were established in 2007, and many providers and individuals have expressed that the current rates do not correlate with the costs of providing services. BDS’ intent is to develop new rates that are based on individual needs and better reflect the cost of providing services in a consistent way across the state. 

As part of the rate work under the Developmental Disability (DD) Waiver, BDS has contracted with the developer of the Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version (SIS-A), the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), to conduct a sample of 400 SIS-A interviews. These interviews will be completed during the Summer to Fall 2022.  

Review our Assessment Sample Fact Sheet

Assessment Sample Fact Sheet


What does it mean for individuals receiving services?

Individuals and families need to be aware of three things in the immediate future:

  1. If it is time for you to complete your regularly scheduled SIS-A renewal (which occurs every five years), and it is scheduled between July through October 2022, your SIS-A assessment responses may be used by the Department for rate setting purposes. People who are new to the adult services system will not have their data included in the SIS-A sample. 
  2. If you complete a SIS-A assessment as part of the sample, you will not experience changes in your standard person-centered planning process for this year. Your service coordinator will continue to help you use your SIS-A results to plan your services. 
  3. BDS recognizes that every person receiving services will have a different people in their lives who are best positioned to provide information about their support needs.  In attempts to ensure that SIS-A assessments during this sample are completed with the best available information, BDS requires that individuals plan to complete their interviews with at least 2 people who have known the individual for at least 3 months. 


What does it mean for Service Coordinators?

Service coordinators will continue to work as schedulers for the SIS-A assessments; working with individuals and families to find times for interviews. Four main changes are going to occur in this process compared to standard practice. 

  1. Area agencies will receive AAIDD assessor availability from BDS. 
  2. Area agencies will receive a list of individuals who should be scheduled to receive SIS-A assessments as part of the sample. This list will include slightly more than 400 names statewide. 
  3. Service coordinators will use an online scheduling tool to review availability and schedule assessments for individuals and families.  
  4. Service coordinators are encouraged, but not required to attend the assessments they schedule.