This page provides information about the provisions that are available through ServiceLink.

ServiceLink Toll-Free Number
ServiceLink Toll-Free Number
For assistance, call 1-866-634-9412
As a No Wrong Door partner, ServiceLink provides information, support and referrals to individuals of all ages, income levels and abilities and administers programs and services such as Information and Referral Services, Person-Centered Options Counseling, NH Family Caregiver Program, State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP).
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are a collaborative effort of the Administration on Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). ADRCs serve as single points of entry into the long-term supports and services system for older adults and people with disabilities of all income levels. As the Aging and Disability Resource Center network in New Hampshire, ServiceLink does specialize in assisting people who are aging or disabled with getting the support and resources they need to maintain their highest level of independence, but not to the exclusion of any resident of the state who needs assistance with obtaining services.
For additional ACL program information, see: Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Information, Referral and Awareness
ServiceLink serves as a highly visible and trusted place where people of all ages, disabilities and income levels can turn for objective and unbiased information on a full range of services and supports options. ServiceLink promotes awareness of the various options that are available in the community, including options among under-served, hard-to-reach and private-paying populations, as well as options individuals can use to plan ahead for their long-term needs. ServiceLink, as the Aging and Disability Resource Network in New Hampshire, assists all residents, but specializes in assisting individuals who are aging or disabled.
Options Counseling
ServiceLink provides counseling and decision support, including one-on-one assistance, to individuals and their family members and caregivers. The main purpose of options counseling is to help individuals assess and understand what is important to them, and for them, and to assist them in making informed decisions about appropriate long-term services and supports – as well as their Medicare options - in the context of their personal needs, preferences, values and individual circumstances.
Options Counseling and Assistance may also include helping individuals develop person-centered plans and arranging for the delivery of services and supports.
NH Family Caregiver Support Program
National Family Caregiver Support Program offers assistance to family members and others who provide day-to-day care for another individual without compensation. Facilitated by NH Bureau of Adult & Aging Services, NH Family Support Program (NHFCSP) are services that include information, counseling, education and respite care, and are coordinated through the ServiceLink Aging and Disability Resource Centers located throughout New Hampshire.
Those served through the program include family caregivers of frail older adults, younger adults with disabilities, grandparents raising their grandchildren, and caregivers of person's diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
The services provided to NH caregivers through NHFCSP are numerous and include assisting individuals to continue to live in their homes and communities longer avoiding nursing home placement.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
The mission of SHIP program is to help people with Medicare understand their Medicare benefits and program options. Medicare specialists assist people make informed, health insurance choices based on their personal needs.
The SHIP program is provided through federal programs, the U.S. Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Every Medicare specialist at ServiceLink is SHIP-trained and certified to provide the most up-to-date and accurate Medicare information.
Senior Medicare Patrol Program (SMP)
According to the Office of the Inspector General, it is estimated that Medicare is drained of billions of dollars as a result of fraud, waste, errors and abuse. The Senior Medicare Patrol program is dedicated to teaching older adults and other people with Medicare to be aware of healthcare fraud, how to protect themselves from becoming victims, and how to detect and report possible fraudulent or billing errors.
Provided by the US Administration for Community Living, there is an SMP program in every state. It is through public education and outreach activities in the local community, as well as confidential counseling, that SMP-Medicare trained staff work with clients to answer and resolve questions, and if appropriate, refers potential fraudulent cases to federal authorities for further investigation.
ServiceLink is a proud NHCarePath partner
NHCarePath is a state initiative where community partners work collaboratively to connect individuals to the supports and services that they may need and ensure a consistent experience for individuals seeking assistance. Multiple statewide partners collaborate as part of NHCarePath, including the NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS), ServiceLink Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Area Agencies offering developmental services, and Community Mental Health Centers; with the goal of making it easier for NH residents to find the help they need.
Assistive Technology in New Hampshire (ATinNH) is a partner of ServiceLink
The program has two major activity areas: Training, Education and Outreach: AT Trainings, Classes, and Workshops and AT Policy Assistive Technology Services: Equipment Demonstrations, Loans and Refurbishing/Reuse. You can visit a ServiceLink location or call ServiceLink to get information, education, and guidance on Assistive Technology services and supports as well as receive hands on demonstrations of AT tools and gadgets.

Spotting Suspicious Medicare Activity
Spotting Suspicious Medicare Activity
Knowing how to spot suspicious activity can help you stop health care fraud and abuse in its tracks.
- Review your Medicare statements for mistakes by comparing them to your personal records.
- Look for these three things on your Medicare statements:
- Charges for something you didn’t get
- Billing for the same service or supplies twice
- Services that weren’t ordered by your doctor