The Governor's Commission on Alcohol & Other Drugs

Quick resources about the purpose of the Commission, its members, meeting information and related documents.

Upcoming Meetings

Commission meetings are open to the public and the meeting location: At NH State House Executive Council Chamber (Room 207) 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH

The mission of the Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs is to significantly reduce alcohol and other drug problems and their behavioral, health and social consequences for the citizens of New Hampshire by advising the Governor and Legislature regarding the delivery of effective and coordinated substance misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery services throughout the state.

We envision a society in which alcohol and drug problems are recognized as a public health issue that is both preventable and treatable.

We envision a society in which high-quality services for prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug problems are widely available and where prevention and treatment are recognized as specialized fields of expertise.

We envision a society in which people with a history of alcohol or drug problems, people in recovery, and people at risk for these problems are valued and treated with dignity and where stigma, prejudice, discrimination, and other barriers to prevention and recovery are eliminated.


The Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs (Governor’s Commission) was created in 2000 through NH RSA 12-J which made the original “Alcohol Fund”. From this, a part of the proceeds from sales of alcohol are to be distributed for prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. This legislation has been updated several times, including changes to the Commission’s name, membership, reporting requirements, and to the “Alcohol Fund”. The activities of the Commission are: 

  • Developing and updating a statewide plan to prevent alcohol misuse and substance misuse with a focus on youth.
  • Encouraging state agencies and communities to collaborate for better community-based substance misuse and alcohol misuse  prevention programs.
  • Promoting treatment services to meet the needs of citizens experiencing  alcohol misuse or other drugs misuse.
  • Evaluating needs and services for alcohol misuse and substance misuse in NH to develop a complete system of treatment and recovery support for those affected.
  • Provide recommendations to the Governor.
  • Authorize the spending of moneys from the Alcohol Abuse and Prevention and Treatment Fund NH RSA 176-A:1.

There are currently 3 task forces of the Commission, designated by the Chair to support this work.