COVID-19 Guidance for The Division of Long Term Supports and Services (DLTSS)
COVID-19 Guidance documents for Home and Community Based Care
Long Term Supports and Services (DLTSS)
Long Term Supports and Services (DLTSS)
COVID-19 LTSS General Memos
- DLTSS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance #2-GM-02-20 (April 20, 2020)
- DLTSS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance #1-GM-01-20 (March 27, 2020)
Choices for Independence Waiver (CFI)
Choices for Independence Waiver (CFI)
COVID-19 CFI General Memos
- COVID-19 Emergency Choices for Independence Waiver (CFI) Guidance #4-GM-21-24 (June 28, 2021)
- COVID-19 Emergency Choices for Independence Waiver (CFI) Guidance #3-GM-20-25 (July 16, 2020)
- COVID-19 Emergency Choices for Independence Waiver (CFI) Guidance #2-GM-20-07 (March 20, 2020)
- COVID-19 Emergency Choices for Independence Waiver (CFI) Guidance #1-GM-20-06 (March 18, 2020)
Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS)
Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS)
COVID-19 BDS General Memos
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Area Agencies and Provider Agencies #6-GM-08-21 (September 1, 2021
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Area Agencies and Provider Agencies #5-GM-07-21 (July 12, 2021)
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Area Agencies and Provider Agencies #4-GM-04-20 (May 13, 2020)
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Area Agencies and Provider Agencies #3-GM-03-20 (March 20, 2020)
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Area Agencies and Provider Agencies #2-GM-02-20 (March 18, 2020)
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Area Agencies and Provider Agencies #1-GM-01-20 (March 16, 2020)
- BDS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Families, Guardians, and Participants of the Developmental Services System (March 16, 2020)
Bureau of Family Centered Services (BFCS)
Bureau of Family Centered Services (BFCS)
COVID-19 BFCS General Memos
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Family Centered Early Supports and Services-GM-BFCS-COVID-19-007-FCESS (January 25, 2021)
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Family Centered Early Supports and Services-GM-BFCS-COVID-19-006-FCESS (November 5, 2020)
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Home Visits-GM-BFCS-COVID-19-005 (September 17, 2020)
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Special Medical Services (SMS) Applications-GM-004APP-20 (April 13, 2020)
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs-GM-003FAM-20 (March 24, 2020)
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Partners in Health (PIH)-GM-001-20 (March 23, 2020)
- BFCS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance for Family Centered Early Supports and Services-GM-002-20 (March 19, 2020)
Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS)
BAAS 2025 General Memos and Policy Releases
BAAS 2024 General Memos and Policy Releases
- 24-01 (PR) and Appendix A (Nursing Facility Rates)
- 24-03 (PR) SSBG COLA Increase
- 24-04 (PR) Revision to BEAS Form 3845 Long Term Care Quick Guide
- 24-05 (GM Provider Relief Initiative
- 24-07 (GM) CFI Online Training Modules
- 24-08 (PR) Revisions and Renumbering of BEAS Forms 3780, Attestation and Payment
- 24-09 (GM) CFI Redetermination Procedural Extension
- 24-10 (GM) CFI Eligibility Pending Appeal
- 24-11 (GM) BEAS End of SFY24 and SFY25 Payment Schedules for Social Services
- 24-12 (PR) Revised Appendix A - July
- 24-13 (GM) Case Management Agency Discharge Requirements
- 24-14 (GM) Home and Community Based Services Name Clarification
- 24-15 (PR) LNA-MNA Reimbursement and Revisions to BAAS Form 292
- 24-16 (PR) Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
- 24-17 (PR) Update to Options User Request Forms
- 24-18 (PR) Guidance and PN for Clinical Eligibility for CFI and NF
- 24-19 (PR) Release of BAAS Form 3705a Individual Rights Booklet - NHCP
- 24-20 (PR) Revisions to BAAS Form 3540 and He-E 605.04
- 24-21 (PR) BAAS Form Revisions 3200 3203 3204 and 3205
- 24-22 (PR) Grievance Reporting and Management
- 24-23 (PR) LTC and APS Release of Protected Health Info Forms 3004 3735 and 3735a
- 24-24 (GM) Release of PN for Guidance on Waiver of Rule Request
BAAS 2023 General Memos and Policy Releases
- 23-01 (PR) Updated 23-01 & Appendix A
- 23-02 (PR) Appendix A-July
- 23-03 (PR) SSBG COLA Increase
- 23-06 (GM) Release of Adopted He-E 701 He-E 720
- 23-08 (GM) ARPA Meals Units
- 23-09 (GM Telehealth PNM
- 23-13 (GM) Form 3845 LTC Quick Guide
- 23-14 (GM) BEAS State Registry
- 23-15 (GM) CFI Home Delivered Emergency Meals Pack
- 23-17 (GM) PASRR Requirements post PHE
- 23-19 (GM) HCBS ARPA HD Meal Units
- 23-20 (GM) HCBC Direct Support Worker Program
- 23-21 (GM) End of SFY 23 and SFY 24 Payment Schedule for Social Service Providers
- 23-23 (GM) Grab-n-Go Title III
- 23-26 (GM) October 1, 2023 CFI Service Rate Increases
- 23-28 (GM) November 8, 2023 CFI Rate Increase-PDMS
- 23-31 (GM) Transitional Case Management and Community Transition Services
- 23-32 (GM) Rate Study
BAAS Post COVID-19 General Memos
BAAS COVID-19 General Memos
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Medical Eligibility Assessment (MEA) for Choices for Independence (CFI) Eligibility-GM-21-32 (July 27, 2021)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Congregate Meal Sites-GM-21-27 (July 1, 2021)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Adult Medical Day Services-GM-21-23 (June 21, 2021)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Reopening Congregate Meal Sites-GM-21-19 (May 13, 2021)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Cares Act Funding for home-delivered meals (August 10, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Reopening Congregate Meal Sites-GM-20-27 (July 17, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Adult Medical Day Services-GM-20-22 (May 27, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - 1st payment of federal COVID-19 funding for home-delivered meals-GM-20-21 (May 19, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Appendix K (CFI)-GM-20-20 (May 14, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Adult Medical Day Services-GM-20-017 (May 8, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Pre-Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review-GM-20-18 (PASRR) (April 27, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - 1st payment of federal COVID-19 funding for home-delivered meals-GM-20-19 (April 23, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Adult Protective Services In-Person Visits-GM-20-12 (April 13, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Title III and Title XX Nutrition and Transportation Providers-GM-20-13 (March 31, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Pre-Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review-GM-20-12 (PASRR) (March 30, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Medicaid Funded Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS)-GM-20-11 (March 27, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Title III and Title XX Nutrition and Transportation Providers-GM-20-09 (March 23, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Personal Care Services Programs-GM-20-010 (March 20, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Title III and Title XX Nutrition Services for Congregate Meals-GM-20-03#2(March 17, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - Title III and Title XX Nutrition Services-GM-20-03 (March 16, 2020)
- BEAS COVID-19 Emergency Guidance - New Hampshire Service System for Older Adults and Adults with Underlying Health Issues-GM-20-03 (March 15, 2020)
Appendix K (DLTSS)
Appendix K (DLTSS)
Appendix K
- Appendix K Unwind Chart October 2023 - Combined (CFI, DD, ABD, IHS)
- Appendix K Unwind Memo October 2023 - Combined (CFI, DD, ABD, IHS)
- Appendix K - August 11, 2022 Combined (DD, ABD, IHS)
- Appendix K - May 12, 2022 Combined (DD, ABD, IHS)
- Appendix K - January 13, 2022 - Combined (CFI, DD, ABD, IHS)
- Appendix K January 13, 2021 – Combined (CFI, DD, ABD, IHS)