Child Support Guidelines & Calculator

NH Child Support Guidelines establishes a uniform system to determine an amount of child support. Guidelines are updated yearly and are effective April 1 of each year.

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Child Support Guidelines Updated

Child Support Guidelines Updated

BCSS releases updated Child Support Guidelines on 4/1 each year. The 2024 Guidelines book can be found in the Child Support Guidelines Documents at the bottom of this page.

The Child Support Guideline Table is used to determine the recommended child support obligation amount based on the parties’ Combined Monthly Net Income, and the guideline percentage of net income related to the number of children named in the support order.  

The Child Support Guidelines Worksheet is used with the Guideline Table to determine what a child support amount may be. You can either use the Worksheet to determine the amount or, you can use the online Guideline Calculator.

The NH Child Support Calculator 

The Child Support Guidelines Calculator provides an estimate of a child support obligation based upon your current financial situation. It is not a guarantee of the actual amount that will be ordered by the court in accordance with NH Law and Rules. DHHS also might not recommend the estimate to the court in your case.

For additional information regarding the Guidelines or the procedures for the establishment or modification of a child support order, contact us.

Due to technology limitations at this time, entering income amounts that exceed $226,009 per month, when combined, will result in a “Child Support Calculator Error”. If your total combined monthly adjusted gross income is greater than $226,009 per month, contact our Central Information Unit (CIU) by calling 1-800-852-3345 ext. 14427 or 603-271-4427, or by sending an email to and we will give you the appropriate amount and percentage to calculate your child support. Please provide the number of children in your order as well as the combined monthly adjusted gross income. 

Guidelines Reviewed for Fairness

By law, the Guidelines are reviewed every four years and an economic analysis done on the cost of raising children in New Hampshire. This helps the NH Legislature determine if the current Guidelines as written in the law are fair and appropriate. A formal report is prepared, often with recommendations, and given to the legislature and the governor. The last report submitted is available in the links below.


What is the NH Statute pertaining to child support guidelines?

NH Statute 458-C

Who is the Obligor?

The obligor is the person who will pay child support.

Who is the Obligee?

The obligee is the person who will receive the child support.

Is gross income before or after tax deductions?

Gross income is before tax deductions.

What if I do not get paid monthly?

To compute Monthly Gross Income from weekly income, multiply the weekly amount by 4.33; from bi-weekly income, multiply the bi-weekly income by 2.17.

How long is child support collected?

Pursuant to RSA 461-A-14, New Hampshire Child Support is payable until the dependent turns 18 or is out of high school, whichever occurs later; becomes married or a member of the armed services; is declared legally dependent beyond that age due to mental or physical disability; or unless the court has otherwise ordered support to continue beyond age 18. Your court order will not change as each dependent emancipates unless you have a "per child" order or bring your order back to court. Child Support Orders issued in another state may be payable longer. You can check the Federal Office of Child Support's Intergovernmental Website for other state's regulations for age of majority.

How can I modify my child support order?

As the courts issue orders, only the court can modify the order. Either party may request a modification to a child support order every three years or anytime there has been a substantial change in circumstances. Instructions for filing a Support Order Modification can be found at the Family Court website

Child Support Guidelines Documents

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Result Count: 5 10 15 25

Quadrennial Report - NH Child Support Review

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Result Count: 5 10 15 25