Developmental Services

Information and resources from the Bureau of Developmental Services, with the mission to support citizens with developmental disabilities and acquired brain disorders

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07/12/2024 BDS Engagement Opportunities

07/12/2024 BDS Engagement Opportunities

The Bureau of Developmental Services is pleased to announce the following upcoming stakeholder engagement opportunities.

First, BDS will be kicking off a series of presentations on the current services available on the Developmental Disabilities waiver. Join us Wednesday evenings beginning July 24th from 5:00-6:00 to review the services in more detail. There will be four sessions with four services reviewed at each session, as listed on the Service Options in the DD Waiver announcement.

Additionally, BDS will be hosting a series of focus groups to hear additional feedback, experiences, and thoughts from stakeholders on specific topics. There will be two sessions for each topic. Please view the Summer 2024 Focus Groups announcement for additional information.

The links to register for each event are on the attached announcements. You will receive a link to the Microsoft Teams event upon registration.

Please contact with any questions.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas and experiences.

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Bureau of Developmental Services Sharing What We Heard: 
Moving Forward Together

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 6:00 pm

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) held a virtual community webinar to discuss the work to strengthen the developmental services system. We shared a summary of what we heard during the recent BDS community listening sessions and surveys. Your feedback is guiding BDS’ planning and vision for a system that meets each individual and family’s needs. Please view the following below for more information.

July is Disability Pride Month

disabilityprideDHHS supports the inclusion of people with disabilities in meaningful ways to mold strong and diverse communities.

Disability Pride commemorates the month that The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed on July 26, 1990. It is meant to promote inclusivity and for all individuals with disabilities to celebrate as they are. The Disability Pride flag with zigzag colors represents the different disabilities, and how disabled people move around barriers in creative ways. To learn more and ways to support Disability Pride, click here.

Additional awareness that promotes positive change in the lives of people with disabilities:

The Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) is committed to joining communities and families in providing opportunities for citizens to achieve health and independence. In partnership with consumers, families, and community based service networks, BDS affirms the vision that all citizens should participate in the life of their community while receiving the supports they need to be productive and valued community members.


Our Mission

The developmental services system will join with local communities to support individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities or acquired brain disorders and their families to experience as much freedom, choice, control and responsibility over the services and supports they receive as desired.

BDS takes a leadership role in developing the network of supports and resources that will make community presence and participation a reality for every eligible person who chooses community based services and whose treatment professionals have determined that community supports are appropriate.

The NH developmental services system offers individuals with developmental disabilities and acquired brain disorders a wide range of supports and services within their own communities.

BDS is comprised of a main office in Concord and ten (10) designated non-profit area agencies that represent specific geographic regions of NH.

Supports include:

  • Service coordination,
  • Day and vocational services,
  • Personal care services,
  • Community support services,
  • Early Supports and Services and Early Intervention,
  • Assistive technology services; and
  • Specialty services and flexible family supports including respite services and environmental modifications.


Contact Information


How can I report abuse, neglect, exploitation and other service rights violations involving individuals who have applied, are eligible for, or are receiving services through a developmental services Area Agency, in accordance with He-M 202?

Anyone who suspects any acts of abuse, neglect, exploitation and/or other service rights violations are encouraged to call the toll free number (1-855-450-3593)

What is a Sentinel Event?

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Sentinel Event Policy is part of a comprehensive quality assurance program (see RSA 126-A:4) and establishes the reporting and review requirements of sentinel events involving individuals served by the Department. Both community providers and components of the Department which provide direct care services shall report sentinel events as directed by this policy. The goals of this sentinel event reporting and review policy are: (1) to have a positive impact in improving care and service delivery, and (2) to understand the causes that underlie sentinel events, and make changes to internal and external systems and processes to reduce the probability of such events in the future.

Sentinel events include unexpected deaths, permanent loss of function, or the risk thereof, suicides, rape and other serious events signaling the need for investigation.

Sentinel Event Reporting Forms are to be completed when a sentinel event occurs involving an individual or individuals who:

  • Are receiving Department funded services;
  • Have received Department funded services within the preceding 30 days;
  • Have been evaluated by a service provider within the preceding 30 days; or
  • Are the subjects of a Child or Adult Protective Services report.

How can I obtain historical documents from Bureau of Developmental Services?

Historical Documents are available upon request. Please send requests via email to

Where are the designated non-profit area agencies located throughout NH and what are the catchment areas?

All developmental services offered are provided by contractual agreement between Bureau of Developmental Services and the following designated non-profit area agencies located throughout NH. These agencies are committed to strengthening and supporting individuals and families within the context of their lives and within their own communities.