Immunization Guidance for Parents
Everything you need to know about all of the routinely recommended childhood vaccines from the CDC and the New Hampshire Immunization Program. The Immunization Program is a resource for parents, families, healthcare providers, schools, childcare providers, and the general public.
What's New ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many children and adults have fallen behind on receiving recommended, routine vaccines. Routine vaccination is rebounding but has not yet recovered among all groups. In addition, while child vaccination coverage remains high nationally and most parents are confident in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, the spread of myths and misinformation is still a threat to our vaccination rates. Health care providers are prepared to safely give children and adults the vaccines they need. Call your health care provider to be sure you and your family are up-to-date on all recommended vaccines. If you do not have a health care provider, please call 2-1-1 to find a provider in your area. See the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Call Your Pediatrician Campaign.
Vaccines For Your Children
Everything you need to know about all of the routinely recommended childhood vaccines from the CDC, including:
- Easy To Read Schedules
- Why Vaccinate
- What To Expect At Your Child’s Visit
- Preventable Diseases
- Frequently Asked Questions
Did You Know...
In New Hampshire, all children through the age of 18 years are able to receive all recommended vaccines at no cost for the vaccine. Your health provider may charge a small administration fee, but no child can be denied state-supplied vaccine because of the inability to pay that fee.
How can NH do this?
By combining federal funds from the Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program, allocations from the NH Vaccine Association (contributions from NH insurance companies) and some state general funds, DHHS is able to provide every NH child with all recommended vaccinations.
Vaccines protect children from diseases and keep them healthy. Routine childhood vaccines can also protect you and other family members from exposure to vaccine preventable diseases. Contact your child's health care provider to see what vaccinations your child needs.
Back to School
Getting your child ready for child care or school is the perfect time to make sure they are up-to-date with their immunizations. See the latest New Hampshire School Immunization Requirements 2023-2024 and/or 2023-2024 NH Child Care Immunization Requirements.
Additional Resources
Additional Resources
- Childhood Immunization Resources: Learn about the role vaccines plays in helping keep children healthy
- Real People, Real Stories: Real People share real stories to help understand more about vaccine-preventable diseases, drug-resistant infections, and other infectious diseases.
- Unprotected People Stories, Immunization Action Coalition
- Additional Stories, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
- Vaccine Safety (The Journey of Your Child’s Vaccine), CDC
- How Vaccines Work (1 minute YouTube videos)
- Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) Fact sheets produced by the CDC that explain the benefits and risks of a vaccine
- Risks of Delaying or Skipping Vaccines
- Start Protecting Your Baby at Birth with Hepatitis B Vaccine
- What Vaccines Do Adults Need?