FAST Forward (New Hampshire Wraparound)

Information and resources on Enhanced Care Coordination for Children, Youth, and Families (Wraparound) which provides services for NH Youth with complex emotional or behavioral needs and their families.

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Note: FAST Forward is not a crisis service

Note: FAST Forward is not a crisis service

Need immediate help? Call or text 1-833-710-6477.

What is Wraparound?

Wraparound is an evidence-based, family- and youth-driven planning process for responding when children or youth experience serious emotional and behavioral concerns.

The goals of Wraparound are to help families and youth identify their strengths and their needs, then to develop a plan that connects them to supports (some formal, some natural) and services in their communities.

Wraparound usually lasts for 12 to 18 months.  

What is FAST Forward?

Families and Systems Together (FAST) Forward is New Hampshire’s program that provides youth and family-driven wraparound services that is focuses on keeping the child/youth in their home community.

Our unoffical motto is, "It takes a village to raise a family" and with that moto in mind we take a team approach.

An assigned care coordinator meets with the youth and family to understand their story.

The care coordinator then helps the family:

  • Discover each individual's strengths and needs
  • Describe their vision of hope for the future
  • Identify a support network of helpers
  • Develop team meetings to make sure everyone works together for the youth
  • Keep track of how things are going
  • Celebrate success along the way


Who is FAST Forward for?   

FAST Forward is for families where there is a child or youth:

  • Ages 5 (up to age 21) 
  • Has emotional or behavioral disorder
  • Has many different providers like (Child Protection, Juvenile Justice, Community Mental Health, etc.)
  • Has not benefited from school or community-based services
  • Is able to communicate and participate in the planning process.


Who should be on the team?

Care coordinators help the family form a team that includes any helpers who can naturally support them. This could include school providers, family, coaches, clergy, therapists or anyone else that a family needs to be successful. 

Family and youth peer supports are also available to share their lived experience, empower the youth/family - so youth and families don't feel so alone.

Family and peer supports are provided by NAMI-NH and youth peer support provided by Youth MOVE-NH is part of the model and helps the family and youth navigate all of the systems and elevate their voices.


Who provides FAST Forward?

FAST Forward services are provided by 2 agencies in New Hampshire, These agencies are called Care Management Entities (CMEs) and they act for the Department of Health and Human Services as the official providers of Enhance Care Coordination for children and youth with significant mental health concerns in New Hampshire.

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