Lead Poisoning Prevention Publications and Resources
Publications and resources to educate the public about lead poisoning risks
2023 Lead Data Briefs Newly Released!
The Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program is excited to release our new data brief, "2023 Lead Poisoning in New Hampshire: What the Data Tells Us". This easy-to-read infographic tells the story of how NH's older housing is the primary source of lead poisoning for young children across our state and what simple building strategies will increase lead-safe housing in NH. You can also find local data that includes the number of lead poisoned children and the percentage of 1- and 2-year-old children tested for blood lead levels for each of NH's public health regions.
Having information readily available is important to understanding and preventing lead poisoning. The Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program and our partners offer a wide range of publications and resources for parents, healthcare providers, contractors, property owners and municipalities statewide.
Lead and Children
- Lead and Children (English)
- الرصاص واطفال (Arabic)
- लड र बालबालकाह (Nepali)
- El plomo y los niños (Spanish)
- Athari ya Madini ya RISASI kwa WATOTO (Swahili)
Lead Hazards
- Lead Hazards (English)
- المواد الملوثة بالرصاص (Arabic)
- लिडका जोखिम तत्िहर (Nepali)
- Riesgos de exposición al plomo (Spanish)
Lead and Nutrition
- Lead and Nutrition (English)
- الرصاص والتغذية (Arabic)
- लिड र पौल्टटक तत्ि (Nepali)
- El plomo y la nutrición (Spanish)
- Madini ya RISASI NA LISHE (Swahili)
Lead and Pregnancy
- Lead and Pregnancy (English)
- الرصاص والحمل (Arabic)
- िलड र गभार्वèथा (Nepali)
- Cómo evitar la intoxicación por plomo en mujeres embarazadas o amamantando (Spanish)
- Jinsi Madini ya RISASI Yanavyoathiri MIMBA (Swahili)
Lead and Drinking Water
- Lead and Drinking Water (English)
- الرصاص في مياه الشرب (Arabic)
- खानेऩानीभा लरड (Nepali)
- Plomo en agua potable (Spanish)
- Risasi katika maji ya kunywa (Swahili)
Lead in Soil
Take Home Lead
- Take Home Lead
- الرصاص" ذال ي يؤخذ إلى المنازل" (Arabic)
- “टेक-होम” (घिमा िचगएको) लिड (Nepali)
- El plomo "que se lleva a casa" (Spanish)
- Madini ya Risasi “Ya Kupelekwa Nyumbani” (Swahili)
Childhood Lead Exposure in NH: What the Data Tells Us
- Childhood Lead Exposure in NH: What the Data Tells Us: Long Video
Understanding and Recognize Lead Hazards Before You Buy or Rent
- Understanding and Recognize Lead Hazards Before You Buy or Rent: Short Video
- Understanding and Recognize Lead Hazards Before You Buy or Rent: Long Video
The Lead Based Paint Disclosure Rule
- The Lead Based Paint Disclosure Rule: Short Video
- The Lead Based Paint Disclosure Rule: Long Video
Hire a Lead Inspector Before Buying a New Home
- Hire a Lead Inspector Before Buying a New Home: Short Video
- Hire a Lead Inspector Before Buying a New Home: Long Video
What Parents Should Know About Lead Testing for their Kids
- What Parents Should Know About Lead Testing for their Kids: Short Video
- What Parents Should Know About Lead Testing for their Kids: Long Video
Testing for Lead at 1 and 2 Years Is What We Do!
- Testing for Lead at 1 and 2 Years Is What We Do!: Short Video
- Testing for Lead at 1 and 2 Years Is What We Do!: Long Video
Protect Your Family Brochure
Federal law requires that before renting or purchasing target housing, including most buildings built before 1978, renters or buyers must receive the Protect Your Family pamphlet explaining the dangers of lead in your home and how to protect your family from lead-based paint hazards. Read this brochure to learn how lead gets in your body, affects health, what to do to protect your family, and where to go to get more information.
- EPA Protect Your Family (English)
- Proteja a Su Familia Contra el Plomo en el Hogar (Spanish)
Renovate Right Brochure
It’s the law! Federal law requires contractors that disturb painted surfaces in homes, childcare facilities and schools that are built before 1978 to be certified and to follow specific work practices that include distributing the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Renovate Right brochure that contains important Lead Hazard Information for families, childcare providers and schools.
- EPA Renovate Right (English)
- Guía de Prácticas Acreditadas Seguras para Trabajar con el Plomo para Remodelar Correctamente (Spanish)
Healthy Housing
Environmental hazards in the home harm millions of children each year. "Healthy Homes" is a century-old idea that promotes safe, decent, and sanitary housing as a way to prevent disease and injury. Your housing conditions are directly linked to health outcomes such asthma, lead poisoning, lung cancer, and unintentional injuries. Even newer homes may have hazards lurking within. The 12 Ways to a Healthy Home Brochure will help you understand these hazards and locate resources that can help you and your family.